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Jaime completed a Chicago-based pediatrics rotation with fellow AMO Ambassador Krystel. He graduated from medical school in 2021 and hopes to become a general or plastic surgeon in Ecuador.

"As a first clinical rotation in the US I was afraid of too many things as my medical English and medical knowledge would not be good enough. But I discovered there that I had a good performance and really improved my skills along the days. I learned a lot during my six weeks and not only my medical skills got better, I also grew up as a human being that one day would be able to take care of others. Sharing with people from different countries and cultures made my rotation a richer experience. I think that clinical rotations are important due to it allows you to learn from a different medical system and as in my case the experience there made me feel that I’m ready to leave my country and go to the US or other country to get into a Residency program."

AMO Rotation completed:

AMO Rotations completed:

AMITA Health Resurrection Medical Center Professional Building
Chicago, Illinois

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